Crochet a Basic Granny Square

Crochet A Basic Granny Square

The classic granny square has been around for centuries and for good reason. They are quick and easy. Perfect for beginners to practice their stitches without too much fuss, and an incredibly useful project for crocheters of all levels. Granny squares are the perfect take anywhere project as they are so quick to make. So no more idle hands in the queue at the grocery store or at the bank, you got crocheting to do!

Granny squares are used to make so many warm and snugly items that I couldn’t possibly mention them all. I will of course be doing some projects using Granny Squares in the not too distant future, so I hope you will be joining me for that.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and if you have any questions of comments, please do not hesitate to contact me, either on YouTube using the comments section, or there is a form that you can fill out on the contact us page accessible by the menu above.

This tutorial is due to be published on 30 September 2022 and 6pm European time.